Tuesday, March 10, 2009

TMI Tuesday

1. Are you pro-marriage? Why or why not?

I'm for marriage in general, but not the way many people treat it. I disagree with those who think their lives are over or ruined if they're not married by the age of 25. Take your time and make sure you've found the one!

2. Have you ever invented or thought you invented a sexual position?

Not that I can remember...

3. Do you like to be tied up? Always or sometimes?

I love to be tied up. I will also sometimes do the tying, but my switchy self leans much more to sub than dom. I do also enjoy some time with my hands free.

4. Do you consider online cybering adultery?


5. Do you prefer masturbation over real sex?

HELL no! I hardly ever do it for myself because I prefer the real thing that much.

6. Do you want sex more times a day than your partner?


7. Do you get offended when you partner openly flirts with others or are you okay with it?

It doesn't bother me. I trust him.

8. Do you think you're flirty by nature?

People seem to think I'm flirting with them just because I'm my open, friendly self with strangers just like I am with friends. I don't mean it to be flirting, though. It's just my way of getting along with people.

TMI Tuesday #177

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