Sunday, March 22, 2009

Letter to Alejandra

This is what I left posted on her fridge when I went home.


Even though I asked several questions and tried to clarify, what exactly you’re so upset about is still beyond me. If I offended your friends by being drunk, I do apologize, but I’d like to point out that they were laughing and didn’t seem offended in the least. I’d also like to suggest that next time you ask them if they’re ok instead of assuming and taking out your fears on me.

I’m leaving early for both of our sanities. Since I don’t know what I did, I don’t know how to avoid doing it again; and if this happens again I will snap. I came here to get away from the drama and stupidity at home and just have fun, but apparently even that causes problems. Saying that I did or said “something,” but you don’t remember what it was, but you’re mad at me anyway, is dumber than everything I left back at home.

You say that I make “grand gestures,” then can’t even tell me what that refers to. You referenced my hair – what exactly is wrong with my hair? What could I possibly have done with my hair to offend you or your friends?

And as for your friends, you say that you get sick of all the drama they produce, but if this is the way you always act, then you are just as guilty. Also, you can’t control what your friends say to each other or how they interact. Telling me 14 hours after the fact that I shouldn’t have been friendly with Jamie because you don’t like her is both useless (couldn’t have told me before?) and immature (are we in 3rd grade or almost out of college?). The amount of drama, gossip, and related dumb shit around here exceeds even what I left in my home state. I thought you were above it, but it seems to have sucked you in as well.

Thanks for letting me stay. I’m continuing the road trip on my own to see what I can find, and then probably going back to my mom’s house for a modicum of sanity. Hope you have fun with Nate.


P.S. Back to the whole “grand gestures” thing: yes, I like to have fun, dye my hair pink, dress in crazy clothes, listen to loud music and be myself. If you can’t accept those things about me, you’re not accepting me for who I am. Perhaps you are more comfortable with your preppy friends than you let on.

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