Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chick Fight

That line I'm walking keeps swaying in the wind, but I haven't fallen off yet. I spent two awesome days with Alejandra, getting properly shitfaced to celebrate St. Patty's Day, and then I woke up Wednesday morning and the shit hit the fan. Again. About something totally unrelated.

Alejandra and I have always had very different personalities in terms of the way that we deal with things. We had very similar problems with our fathers, but my way was to just give up and stay away from him, and her way was to be constantly angry with both her parents. When I get in fights with my friends, I shut myself away for a little while, then try to talk it out, usually on paper. When she gets in fights, she bitches people out until they either give in or leave in disgust.

"Sky, can you get your vibrator out of my shower?" she said. Okay, that one was my fault.

"I wasn't using it, I promise," I said, because I honestly hadn't been. "It was with my shower stuff and I forgot to put it away."

"I don't even care if you were using it," she said. "That might've been kinda funny. But you make these grand gestures. Just get it out of there."

"What kind of grand gestures?" I asked, confused.

"Well, like, your hair." She gestured indistinctly.


"I dunno. And you said some things, last night, to my friends."

"Like what?"

"I don't remember...I was too drunk." That didn't go over well, being accused of something she couldn't even remember, but I made the effort to keep myself calm.

"What did I say that pissed you off?"

"You made fun of my parents' problems in front of everyone." It took me a minute to even remember that.

"I mentioned that your dad slept on the couch. Your parents had the same problems mine did. I'm sorry if I shouldn't have brought that up, but not one else heard me!"

"Not really."

"Not really what?"

"I dunno." She shrugged and rolled her eyes like I was being a huge pain. "You shouldn't have been saying things to Jamie."

"Why not?"

"I don't get along with her."

"Well, why was she there?"

"She's a friend of Katie's, not a friend of mine!"


"So, you shouldn't have been getting close with her."

At that point I realized just how stupid the things were that we were arguing about and gave up. The entire time we'd been there, which was about forty-five minutes by then, I had been trying to remove a horribly knotted elastic from the hair on top of my head. Apparently putting your hair up in pigtails while you're drunk is not a good idea. I had to cut the elastic twice with my pocket knife, and even when I finally had all the pieces out, I still had to cut a chunk out of my hair.

I showered, carrying on a conversation with myself the whole time, which is what I do when I'm annoyed or trying to work out some problem. After the shower, Alejandra and I walked through town back to the bar where we'd left our cars the previous night, being far too intoxicated to drive them safely. She asked in the most flippant voice what I was mad at her about, but I was being civil and not cold, so I denied being angry.

Not about to start another fight, and sick to death of drama and unnecessary crap, I waited until she left for the airport to pick up her brother, wrote her a letter, packed my suitcase, and left. It was already the middle of the day, too late to be starting a twelve-plus-hour drive, but I couldn't stay. I stopped less than an hour north to see some tourist sites, figuring I would make the trip somehow worthwhile, took a lot of pictures, then continued.

It was one-thirty in the morning when I finally crashed in a small motel. When I got up again the next morning it was raining. I started texting Wren updates of where I was, which was close to the house I lived in with Kevin, although I was on my way to my mom's place farther north. I accidentally sent two of the town names to Kevin (okay, semi-accidentally), and he asked if I was on my way there. I said no, they were meant for Wren, and he asked if I would meet him for lunch. After playing hard to get for a while, I finally agreed, although when I walked into the diner and sat down with him I was talking with Aiden on my phone.

Absolutely nothing productive was accomplished by the lunch, except for the obvious fact that I got fed, which is exactly what I had thought would happen. I finished the drive to mom's house, and I've been here since. I'm moving in with Wren tonight after she gets out of work. My next couple of posts are going to be various side bits, like displays in a museum, instead of me directly narrating.

1 comment:

  1. A person can not be blamed or held accountable for their words when they are drunk. Especially if both parties are drunk, because the chances of 2 drunk people actually being in the same moment at the same time is rare indeed.
    1 person will always be off of the other by about 5 minutes. Either existing 5 minutes in the past (IE laughing at something they are thinking about) or 5 minutes in the future (where they are serious and trying to will themselves sober.)
