Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Like That Wasn't Bad Enough

Lily sent both Kevin and me messages via Facebook after Aiden had his conversation with her. (Kevin agreed to allow Aiden to tell her the news himself instead of hearing it from him.) Among other things, both the messages said, "Aiden has HPV and he gave it to me, thought you should know!"

"You dodged a bullet," Kevin said, shaking his finger at me, and I tried not to cringe. I'm not out of the woods yet, with either the lying or the potential trouble. Though I told Kevin I didn't have sex with Aiden, I didn't specify what we did do in the infinite realm between kissing and fucking. I'm pretty sure he's assuming we didn't get as far as we did.

Aiden told me before we got there that he had had "an HPV scare," which I took to mean that he didn't have it and the risk was low that he was carrying it. I also figured that if he cared enough to tell me that, then he cared enough not to put me at risk of getting it.

I can't remember the last time I was so stupid.

I don't know if it's possible to get HPV from what we did, but the way my luck runs, it probably is. Wikipedia, here I come. Ironically, my doctor told me back in January that I should get the new Gardasil vaccine, the one that protects against HPV. I said I'd think about it, and never got around to actually doing it. What the fuck is wrong with me, seriously? I am in so much trouble.

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