Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Walking Date

After not seeing Aiden for five days, we finally got the opportunity yesterday to have another afternoon lunch-thing. Okay, it wasn't really lunch...I ate lunch with a friend from class in the middle of the day, but afterwards met up with Aiden in town. He grabbed a slice of pizza and then the two of us went walking, all over town, for more than an hour. Usually I don't like walking aimlessly - I'm a runner, not a hiker. But just being with him made it fun, holding hands or with our arms crossed and hands in each other's back pockets, stopping every random now and then to kiss.

It was colder than a brass teat in January outside, but I put up with it because we really have nowhere indoors that we can go. At least it was sunny. We talked about everything, from cooking to work to autism to his wife's accidental pregnancy (apparently the only reason he's married at all). I needed the workout, legs are sore today from climbing all the hills. When it was eventually time for him to go to work, we got into my car so I could give him a ride to his on the other side of the hill. I parked on the back street, and the making out starting in earnest.

He unzipped my jacket (and then my second jacket...I like layers) and started running his hands over my stomach and my breasts while we kissed. I returned his touch, finding the nipple ring I knew was there. I've never been with anyone who had a nipple ring, and I like them. His hands moved slowly, gentle but firm and confident, and my insides started to melt. He pinched my nipple, and I gasped slightly.

"It's a good thing for both of us it's so cold outside," he said.

I nodded. "Uh huh, yeah, it is..."

"I really can see you and I have a d/s relationship," he said, something he'd mentioned in passing a week or so ago.

"I have no problem with that," I agreed, excited at the possibility. Kevin and I had discussed such a thing a while back, but it never really happened, and now there's no way I'd ever let him have that degree of control over me, not when I don't even enjoy fucking him anymore.

Aiden grabbed my hair and pulled my head close, so that his mouth was in my ear. "Would you like to call me Sir?" he asked.

I smiled to myself. "Yes Sir," I responded, then turned the conversation to nipple rings, since I was playing with his. "I've always wanted to get mine done."

"Just as long as I get to play with them first," he said.

"Of course," I said.

"Do you wear a barbell or a hoop in your VCH?" he asked. It's actually an HCH, but I didn't bother correcting him.

"A hoop, why?"

"You get a couple of horizontal barbells, and I'll get you a keeper...and I'll make you wear it at work."

"You're awful," I said. "And you would, too..."

He nodded. His smile made me dizzy.

This time there was no discussion of "is this a date?" He simply said that he thought having a "walking date" was cute. So we had an actual date this time. I'm excited. Oh wait, that's not news.

"I'll give Kevin credit for one thing," he said as we were leaving. I raised my eyebrows to ask what that one thing was. "He was right - I did need a girlfriend."

My plans for last night were to go to dinner with Wren at the diner, then for the two of us and Kevin to go out clubbing, but she didn't realize the dinner wasn't going to include him and told him about it. So the three of us went to dinner on Aiden's shift. He didn't have a section when we got there; he was finishing sidework and getting ready to leave, so after we finished our food he sat down with us. It wasn't really the way I wanted Aiden and Wren to meet, with Kevin sitting there staring us all down, but I'll take what I can get.

All in all, things didn't go badly...Aiden and I are both good at playing the casual game, and I've kept enough secrets for Wren that she would never say anything. My only moment of vague unease was my own fault and came when Kevin said again that Aiden needed a date.

"I just think that who he's going to be looking at..." he trailed off, and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"Oh come on," I said with disgust, "Are you really still on about him hitting on me?"

"No," he said, and I wanted to kick myself. "I think he's going to be looking for a boy, honestly."

"Oh. Yeah, I can see that, he's admitted to me that he's not 100% straight."

Usually I'm good at keeping my cool, but we all have our moments. I wish I hadn't jumped down his throat about it. Wren did her best to save me, too, by pointing out that flirting with your coworkers is just a fact of restaurant life, and she would know - she's been a waitress for years.

Nothing else odd happened, and after half an hour or so we all took off, Aiden home to Lily and Wren, Kevin and I to the club. It was a fun night, though it would have been better (as well as significantly more dangerous) if Aiden could have come, too. We begged him to join us, but he said his wife would throw a hissy and went home.

When Kevin wandered away to talk to his friends, I finally got a moment to ask Wren for her opinion of Aiden.

"He seems really effeminate," she said. "But not in a bad way. I mean, we didn't really get to talk much."

"I like that," I said with a grin, and repeated the same thing I'd said to Aiden himself earlier in the day. "I'm sick of the macho man complex."

Kevin claims to be so comfortable with his sexuality, and for a while I believed him...but then I started taking notice of his actual behavior, and realized his claim is bullshit. If it's not masculine, it's not for him, never mind that anyone who knows him knows very well that he's straight. I'll never forget the look on his face the night he got his ass pinched by a DJ in a club. It was funny as hell, but not pretty. I appreciate a guy who can wear platforms and eyeliner. Okay, in total honesty, I find them sexy as hell.

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