Saturday, May 16, 2009

TMI Tuesday on Saturday

I just can't seem to be bothered to post these things on Tuesdays.

1. Which traits from your parents do you see in yourself?
Addictive personality I got from dad...I'll take the workaholic side. I just hope I don't take the alcoholic side with it. From mom, perfectionism and OCD.

2. Which traits from you/your partner do you see in your children (if you don't have kids, which would you like to see)?
Seeing as I don't even like kids and probably don't want any...let's just leave that at "dot dot dot."

3. How did you get the birds-and-bees talk?
Mom sat me down at the age of 9 and told me the facts. Nothing exciting here.

4. What was your favorite childhood book?
I was addicted to the series...Alex Mack, The Babysitters' Club, Sabrina the Teenage Witch...basically the little kids' version of trashy romance novels.

5. What is your favorite piece of erotic literature?
I don't really have one; I honestly don't read much of it. Diana Gabaldon's books are pretty good, though.

Bonus: What is the one thing you wish you could go back and tell yourself as a child?
Draw more.

Double Bonus: If your life were a book or movie, what would the title be?
Fearless in Small Adventure

TMI Tuesday 186

1 comment:

  1. Nothing wrong in doing the TMI "meme" late :) Ahhhh the lovely OCD - I got that too from my mother and her mother and on and on... LOL...

    Bri a/k/a baby...
