Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So apparently I've started talking in my sleep. That is not only very bad, but not very much like me. I've been known to occasionally mumble something indistinct or blurt out a sentence that makes no sense at all, but last Monday I was a bit too coherent for my own comfort, especially since it was Kevin who reported it to me in the morning.

A few weeks ago, he informed me with a laugh that I'd shouted out during the night, "Two tits and a pancake!" like I was answering a question on a game show. I couldn't remember the dream, but I had to laugh too.

Last Monday, I woke up and said that I'd been having an odd dream...I added in some details, though I no longer remember what it was about. It was completely innocuous, and that's all that sticks in my mind.

"Well, you were dreaming about something else, too," Kevin said, with an edge to his voice that said he didn't like whatever dream he was referring to.

"Why do you say that?" I asked, hoping I was misreading him. I know better than that.

"About 4:30 this morning you said, 'Aiden, why are you here?'"

"Oh. I don't remember what that was about."

"He's the last person I want on your mind!"

There was nothing I could dredge out of my mind in response to that, so I just got up and went to shower.

He said I was talking in my sleep again a couple of nights ago, too, but this time I was just mumbling and unintelligable. It worries me, this whole unchecked mouth thing. There's too much on my mind that I don't want coming out in words to the ears of interested parties, and when I'm asleep I can't check myself.

Speaking of such parties, Kevin is staring at me and starting to ask what the hell I'm typing.

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