Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Summer Night

I'm lying awake
While you snore on beside me
No summer moon
Shining in the window
Just a flood lamp
In the neighbor's yard

So hot in here
Melting like chocolate
Baking chocolate
The bitter kind
Sweat is dripping
Like tears down my face

The window is open
But I see bars in my mind
An invisible jail
Known only to me
I could open the door
But it's never that easy

Guilt and sweat
Mingled in the sheets
Sticking to my back
As I roll impatiently
Sleep won't come
For many hours yet

Jealous of your rest
But glad for this moment
Here with you
In my own little world
Here with you
With him in my mind

Pull myself up
Wander downstairs
Flip up the latch
And slide open the door
Take a deep breath
Of the black sky

Down the wooden steps
Splinters between my toes
Then cool grass
The whisper of leaves
A single cricket
And I start to run

Sultry pavement
Still warm on my feet
Soothing, encouraging
Telling me to run
Down the street
To anywhere else

But the air is hot
The sweat still drips
The sheets are clinging
Pulling me back
Tear free to find myself
Still next to you

Sit up in a rush
And startle myself
Freedom slipping away
Lie back down, resigned
Stare through the screen
As the bars mock me

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