Thursday, May 21, 2009

Run Away

Kevin and I watched a movie tonight, had some cookies, and went to bed. He complained that he was so overtired he'd be lucky to fall asleep. Now he's snoring loudly upstairs and I'm back down here, unable to become unconscious.

My friend Bella and I were talking earlier about taking a road trip, just getting away from it all and starting over. We'd have a bunch of fun and cause a bunch of trouble. We'd be roommates, and after she has her baby, she'll join me as a stripper somewhere. I invited Wren, too, but she couldn't agree with us on a destination, so our joking trip remained just Bella and I.

Now I don't think I was really joking. There is a hell boiling in my head that I can't even describe. I'm on the verge of going on a complete bender. I can't tear myself away from Kevin, and I can't quit Aiden, and I can't go on doing what I'm doing. Worst of all, I can't answer the question "Why?" about any of those things.

1 comment:

  1. I think that sometimes it is a good choice to "move" on -whether it be 1000s of miles or locally... but a new setting, new friends, new environment can be healing - at least it has for me in the past.... :)
