Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Skylar lives.

Five years later. Hello, if there's anyone out there to greet!

After those couple of incidents - the wandering-in-the-woods one and the drunkypants-with-razors one - I got on anti-depressants. I got back into school, rebuilt my relationship with Kevin, graduated with a Bachelors degree, and got a job as a technician in the public safety industry. Boring, but I learned a lot of valuable lessons about controlling my emotions and not falling off the deep end. I locked myself out of this blog to remove the temptation to ever go back to the darkest days of my life.

As I was starting life post-college, I discovered the sport of roller derby, and she more than anything else has saved my soul. I've poured my heart, soul, love, time, money, sweat, and tears onto the track. I'm in my third rostered season now, and I kick ass and get my ass kicked and constantly strive to improve. I do lots of other things in the name of cross-training, but they all come back to improving my derby.

In 2012, I got off the pills, and woke up to the realization that I'd been existing in a fog of apathy that I'd convinced myself was happiness. I finally kicked Kevin to the curb at the beginning of 2013 and legitimately moved out. It still took me a while to break that awful hold he had on me, but he's good and gone now. He finally left our shared job today, so I shouldn't have to see too much of him anymore. I got in my car after shift this afternoon and literally sang the Hallelujah Chorus at the top of my lungs. I hacked my way back into this account tonight after several previous failed attempts, reread every one of these posts, and shook my head over and over at how I could go back to Kevin after all the things he said and did. He really never changed. He's always been a codependent, over-emotional, childish manipulator.

As for the other major players in my stories...

Wren: I was Maid of Honor in her wedding to the Navy boy, and then she friend-dumped me. I tore out my heart in letters to her and cried for weeks, but she was determined that we no longer be friends, and we haven't spoken in over two years now.

Eben: Still one of my very dearest friends. When I moved, it was back to our college town, so he randomly drops in on me at home or work. He's introduced me to some new friends in the area, and we play board games or shoot each other with Airsoft guns, depending on the weather.

Rizz: Was diagnosed with leukemia in 2010 and died in 2011, leaving two small daughters with his ex-wife. We had a "mixed-anything" party in his memory, because that was what he always ordered at the bar when we played pool. "Just make me a mixed anything." He was a kind-hearted friend and quiet troublemaker and is dearly missed.

Aiden: Gets his own post, coming soon.

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