Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Renegades [fiction]

a story by Skylar

It took almost a dozen shots before I heard the tell-tale breaking sound I was listening for. Accuracy isn't the strongest point of an airsoft rifle, but it would get me in less trouble than having a real rifle would if we got caught. Still behind the tree at the edge of the access road, I stood up and packed my weapon carefully in my backpack beside the other equipment. The wheezy pop of another rifle sounded several times from down the road, followed by a moment of silence, then a lilting whistle that told me the second camera had been dealt with. I stepped out of the trees, paused to adjust the straps on my shoulders, and jogged down the road. When I reached the corner of the fence, Aiden was already waiting.

I pointed through the chainlink to the next corner, and we walked quietly along the fence toward the back of the compound. It was beyond the reach of our flashlights, but I knew there was a section around the back where the fence had leaned over nearly to the ground, from the weight of snow or possibly other mischief-seekers. We rounded the corner and started along the back edge, walking more slowly now as the wild vines grabbed at our ankles. A few yards in, the fence fell gradually away from my outstretched hand.

I stepped up onto the ramp created by the leaning wire and searched for my balance. The posts rattled and the fence bounced me gently up and down, threatening to throw me down the hill but not quite managing. A sudden dip toward the ground forced me to scramble for new footing as he stepped up beside me. Under the extra weight, the fence let out a tired scraping sound and gave up the battle. We stepped down onto the broken asphalt.

From there, we scaled the side of a dilapidated carport onto a sagging roof skinned with ancient astro-turf. Picking our way carefully along so we wouldn't fall through, we reached the back and stepped down. The flashlight beams showed unkempt weeds reaching out from between chunks of grey concrete, toward a rounded lip of tiles. Some of the tiles had already leaped to their destiny in the bottom of the empty pool. I walked around to the shallow end and stood for a moment, surveying the territory. The bowl was full of weeds and dead branches, and the drain at the deep end sucked the shadows down toward the end of the world.

"Ready?" I asked softly, hoping he'd go first.

"Go ahead," came the reply, and I could hear the grin behind it. "This was your idea."

I swallowed hard. It was indeed my idea, and now I was wondering why. Pools scared me, with or without water in them. I reminded myself it was the best place for the purpose. Taking a deep, shaky breath, I sat on the edge, put my feet over the rim, and pushed off, skidding awkwardly to the bottom. There was a loud crack as I landed on one of the branches. I found my feet, grabbed the detritus, and started throwing it into the deep end. It would give us more room to move, and maybe if I covered the drain with enough stuff I would forget about it.

There was a scraping sound as he slid down behind me, and the contents of his backpack clanked as it bounced off the floor. I suppressed a laugh at the thought of what we were about to do, and felt a little better.

Another minute had the shallow end clear enough to work in, and a light sweat on my forehead. We unpacked our things and set our bags on the ramp leading toward the deep end to get them out of the way. I tried not to look at how high the edge was, focusing instead on making sure my bandana was tied securely. Finding a way out was a problem for later.

We each pulled out a bottle and doused our props, then shook them off toward the deep end. The sky was clear and moonless, the air still - it was a perfect night.

"Light up?"

"Light on."

The schick of the lighter echoed once in the concrete bowl. A tiny flame hung for a moment, and then three wicks flared to life. I reached out and suspended mine over the top until they caught. The fire doubled as I pulled them back, and suddenly we were submersed in light. The edges of the pool turned orange and our shadows leaped up the walls. They danced and split into eight, then twelve as we separated our torches. After a few practice throws, we turned to face each other, grinning as our eyes met.

Two torches in the left hand, one in the right. We hadn't brought any music for this burn; it was too risky. The sound of crackling fire filled the bowl as we paused to catch a rhythm. A nod, hands up, hands down, and we were flying. Our shadows spasmed, growing past the rim into the sky and then shrinking down to hide under our feet and back again as the flames whirled.

"Hup." Two passes, two catches. "Hup." Again.

The warm night grew hot as the bubble of stagnant air was laced with fire. "Hup." The slapping of the torches in our palms and the tearing sound of fire at high speed were all the music we needed. "Hup." Pass forward, pass left. "Hup." Forward, left. Light leaped frantically as the world stood still. We kept our eyes locked, feeling the arcs rather than looking at them. The smell of oily smoke wound through the air, and the flickering blue light could have been water back in the pool's heydey.

Wait, blue?

My head snapped up as I registered the change. My concentration shattered, I missed a catch. The stray torch bounced off the wall behind me and rolled down the ramp. Aiden managed to hang onto his three as I dropped my remaining two and scrambled for the edge of the bowl to see what was going on. I missed my grab for the lip and slid down the wall on my knees, but I didn't need to see it to know there was a cop cruiser parked outside the fence. By the time I picked myself up again, Aiden had five of the torches out. The sixth one had rolled toward the drain, lighting the dead brush as it went.


He managed to retrieve the errant prop, but putting out the fire was a lost cause. The wood had been dead and drying for a long time and was excited to provide fuel for the blaze.

He jammed the torches and fire blanket in his bag while I stuffed the bottles in mine, and we zipped closed and shouldered up. A shout came from the edge of the compound where we'd crossed the fence, but I couldn't understand it over the crackling of the bonfire we'd started. Sweat dripped down my cheeks as I stared up at the rim. Why the hell had I thought this was a good idea?

Aiden's grip on my shoulder pulled my attention. "Come here," he said, taking a knee as close to the wall as the bowl's curvature would allow. "Step up."

I put my foot on his thigh, got my hands over the lip of the pool, and awkwardly scrambled up as he supported my foot. I slung a knee over the edge and felt his hand on my ass, pushing me the rest of the way over. I rolled, came up short against my backpack, and jumped to my feet. Glancing sideways, I could see the cruiser's lightbar flashing a blinding pattern through the fence. I didn't see the officer. I crouched down and reached back into the pool.

Aiden grabbed my arms and walked up the wall as I leaned back and straightened my legs, pulling him up. The bonfire in the deep end was roaring now, billowing smoke into the night sky. The temperature in the pool had risen dramatically. My jeans were sticking to my legs and restricting my movement, and Aiden's shirt was dark with sweat.

"This is private property!" came a yell from near the cruiser. I looked over to see two uniformed officers, one standing by the fence doing the yelling, the other walking away around the compound. The cruiser was parked by the edge where we had entered, so we'd have to walk within ten feet of the cops to reach the downed spot in the fence, and once we got over it, the only way to leave was a twenty-foot drop into the woods.

"Is there another way out?" Aiden asked. I nodded and turned in the other direction, jogging away from the pool. I wanted to run, but my flashlight had had the idea first and disappeared without me. Reaching the knee wall at the edge of the pool deck, I paused. The bonfire and the cop lights had blinded me, and the other side of the wall was pitch black. I knew there was a drop into a small alley, and a pipe to step on partway down, but I couldn't see a thing.

A flickering light appeared over my shoulder as Aiden thumbed his lighter to life. It wasn't great, but it was better than nothing. The rusty pipe sticking out of the stone foundation flickered into view, and I swung my legs over the knee wall, lowered myself on my palms, and kicked out. My foot landed solidly on the pipe, but as I let go of the wall, there was a crunch. The pipe gave way and my heart stopped for a sickening second as I fell to the ground. One of my feet met dirt and the other met a rock. My ankle twisted as the rest of me continued down, and I yelped in pain.

"You okay?" I heard Aiden's voice from overhead, and looked up to see his silhouette leaning over the wall.

"Fine," I replied. "I don't know you can get down here, though."

He disappeared, and I pulled myself upright, using the wall for support. Stumbling toward the fence, I glimpsed movement on the other side, and realized it was one of the officers. I crouched down and waited by the corner where the wall turned toward the woods, hoping Aiden had seen the cop too.

A few moments passed while I studiously ignored the throbbing in my ankle. I could hear the fire even over the wall, and I hoped the pool was as far from the building as I remembered. Suddenly there was a rustling in the vines to my left. I started, wondering if I was about to face down a hungry animal, and then the plants parted and Aiden popped up. "There are stairs," he whispered, grinning, and I shook my head ruefully. "Thought you said you knew this place?"

"Well. Not every inch," I said.

He grabbed my chin and put his nose to mine. "I'll give you every inch." I bit my lip so I wouldn't giggle out loud.

"Did - did you see the cop?" I asked, forcing my train of thought back onto the rails. He nodded.

"She went back that way," he replied, indicating the front of the compound.

"Good. Um. Give me the fire blanket."

He reached into his bag and handed me the square of sooty fabric. I folded it in half, hobbled to the fence, and threw it over the barbed wire at the top.

Aiden came over and whispered in my ear. "That's not going to be enough."

"It’ll be plenty," I said, and walked away from the fence, along the side of the building, the way the cop had gone. The windows in the building were boarded up, but halfway to the front, one of the boards had been broken, leaving enough room for a large dog to get through. "I can't climb the fence anyway."

I stuck my head through the window, but there was nothing to see without light, so I pulled back.

"Here." Aiden had found his flashlight somewhere. As I was putting it through the window for another look, I heard footsteps. If the cops saw us go in the house, we were done. I grabbed the light between my teeth and hauled myself head-first through the window. The beam flashed over a carpeted floor littered with broken glass, and I wiggled through and landed on my shoulder. I rolled sideways as Aiden somersaulted through behind me.

We lay on the floor and listened as the footsteps came closer, then passed by the window on the other side of the fence and continued down the hill. They paused, and then a voice said something I couldn't quite make out. A moment later, another set of footsteps sped by the window, toward where I had left the fire blanket. A few words floated through the window. "Back...fence...fire." "Search...woods..." "...on the road..."

"I was planning on trespassing tonight," I whispered into the dark. "Not being hauled up for arson."

"I'll haul up your arse," came the response, and I snorted. I rolled onto my stomach and scooted carefully across the floor, feeling over the shattered glass until I found where Aiden had landed. I snuggled up close and stuck my nose in his ear.

"Oops?" I whispered.

"Oops?" he said. "Is that all you have to say - oops?"

"Well, I -"

"You have been a right pain in the ass tonight," he said, sitting up. The flashlight rolled across the floor and shone on a mirror leaning against the wall, lighting half his face. His hair had been yanked out of its ponytail and was hanging down around his shoulders in dark chaos. "You've made a lot of trouble, and you know what happens to troublemakers, don't you?" He glared at me, and I caught my breath.

"They, ah, they get punished," I said, sitting up and scooting backward just a little. "But it was an accident -"

"Where do you think you're going?" he demanded, reaching forward and grabbing my arm in an iron grip.

Any answer I might've had was drowned by the sudden whoop of a siren close by. I could feel the engine as much as I could hear it drawing closer. Red lights flashed off the trees outside and made jagged shapes on the walls. Fragments of voices floated around, and a metallic rending noise that was probably the fence being forcibly removed from its mooring.

"Do you understand?" Aiden asked, snapping my focus back from a mental image of firefighters swarming the back of the compound.

"What?" I had missed whatever I was supposed to understand.

A sudden stinging erupted in my cheek as he slapped me. It was light, but threatened more. “Listen to me when I’m talking to you,” he said. “Now, you put your face on the floor and present your ass to me. Do you understand?”

“Mm hmm.” I started to turn around, but he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

“Excuse me?” he said. I stared at him. “What did you say to me?”

“I said yes.”

“Yes, what?”

“Yes. Sir. Come on, I was doing what you wanted –”

“Shut your mouth,” he said, releasing my shoulder and pointing to the floor. “When I ask you a question, how do you answer?”

“Yes, sir,” I mumbled, turning around again on all fours. He reached over and removed the necklace from around my neck. I wondered but didn’t question.

“That’s right. You answer ‘yes sir’ or you don’t talk. Got it?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good girl. Now present your ass.”

Already on all fours facing the back of the room, I answered, “It’s right there.” He sighed, and I hurriedly added, “Sir.”

“Face. On the floor. Now.”

I leaned over and put my face down, and the smell of must and mildew overcame my senses. “Ew,” I said, before I could stop myself, and started to get up. Suddenly his hand was around the back of my neck and my cheek was being ground into the carpet. “Sorry,” I choked out.

“The line is ‘yes, sir,’” he growled in my ear. “Put your hands behind your back.” I lifted my arms and crossed my wrists over my lower back, and he looped the necklace around them. It wasn’t strong enough to hold me, but I wouldn’t struggle; I didn’t want to break it.

“Yssr,” I answered, unable to make it any clearer with my face mashed into the rug. He shifted behind me, and suddenly his hand came down on my ass so hard I squeaked.

“Do you enjoy disrespecting me?” he demanded.

“No sir,” I answered, “I mean, yes sir. I mean –” I couldn’t figure out the right answer, so I shut my mouth.

His hand came down again, on the other cheek this time, and I winced.

“Do you have any idea how much trouble you’ve caused?” he asked, moving his hand from my neck to my hair and grabbing a handful.

“Yes sir.” Smack. “Ow!”

“Yes, I know it hurts. And you deserve it, don’t you?”

“Yes sir.” Smack. I whimpered but managed not to say anything. My eyes watered. Voices came in the window, and I tried to listen but didn’t catch anything useful.

Smack. I choked down a yelp so the people outside wouldn’t hear me. I wondered if they could hear his hand hitting my ass. Smack. The voices faded away, and I guessed the fire would drown out the noise.

Smack. Tears spilled over the bridge of my nose and onto the floor. I forced myself to breathe as I waited for the next one, but it didn’t come. Instead he started rubbing me, massaging my ass with one hand, still gripping my hair with the other. I melted as the heat from his palm wiped the pain away, and felt myself getting wet. His hand wandered to my thighs and then to my pussy, and I leaned into it, silently begging for more. He lingered for a moment, rubbing my lips, and then the touch disappeared.

Smack. I squealed that time, catching myself quickly and cutting it off with a strangled choke. Smack.

There was a lot of noise out back of the building now, people clomping around in heavy boots, yelling to each other and dragging things around. Smack. Red and blue lights danced over the walls when I opened my eyes. Smack. I moved a little across the floor with every hit, and a shard of glass started digging into my cheek. I tried to move my head, but only succeeded in digging it deeper. Smack.

He stopped again, and I stayed where I was, waiting, holding my breath. Something bumped against the outside wall of an adjacent room. Aiden released his grip on my hair, and I heard the zipper on his backpack and then the shifting of things inside of it, and I wondered what else he had felt necessary for a night of illegal mischief.

Thud. That was different. A more powerful hit that rocked me to the bone but didn’t sting so much. Thud. My face dug into the floor, and the glass into my cheek. Thud. This was easy compared to the spanking, and it was wonderful. Thud. I listened dreamily to the chaos outside through the rhythm of Aiden hitting me, the sharp sound of his breathing riding steadily over the other noises. Thud.

I lost track of time, floating on the bass rhythm being applied to my ass and thighs. Eventually I realized he had stopped, and I opened my eyes. The colored lights still flickered on the walls. I felt the dried remains of tears on my face, the sharp pain in my cheek, and then Aiden’s hands on my ass. He rubbed my thighs and my cheeks, then my lips, and I moaned involuntarily. He put his knees on the floor between mine and pressed his hips against me, and I could feel his hard cock through his jeans, throbbing against my pussy.

His hands slid up my hips, along my ribs to my shoulders, then down my back. Up my hips again, then grabbing the waistband of my jeans at my lower back with one hand and between my legs with the other.

“Tell me what you want me to do to you,” he growled, pulling my hips back against him until I thought my jeans would rip right off.

“I want – I want, you to fuck me,” I gasped, removing the words from the carpet as best I could.

“That’s such a bad idea,” he whispered, and I could hear him smiling through the words. “We might get caught.”

“Mm hmm – yes sir,” I agreed.

“If you really want me to fuck you,” he said, “Beg for it.”

I paused. It wasn’t in my usual bag of tricks to beg for things. I never had before, and didn’t particularly want to start now. He ran a hand slowly over my pussy, and I burned.

The silence hung for a second, and then he took his hands off me.

“Please,” I found myself saying. I bit my lip but couldn’t stop the words. “Please fuck me, Aiden. I want your cock. Please.”

“Good girl,” he whispered, and slid a hand between my thighs to unbutton my jeans. He pulled my pants down to my knees, and the sudden rush of air told me my underwear were soaked. A moment later, those came down too, and the air touched my bare skin. My heart beat faster as I heard the buckle on Aiden’s belt being undone, and then hitting the floor. The head of his cock brushed my clit, and I shuddered, and then he slid into me.

I gasped and tried to moan quietly as he filled me. He pushed into me gently at first, then harder, and it was all I could do not to cry out. His breathing came faster, and he grabbed my wrists, pulling me onto him over and over as my mind fogged up and my breathing became ragged.

Suddenly he pulled away, and I realized there had been a noise from the area of the building nearest the pool, louder than the ones made by the firefighters outside.

“Check upstairs,” a voice said from the next room. “Make sure nothing landed on the roof.”

In my panic, I broke out of my necklace handcuffs and scrambled out of my jeans. I grabbed the flashlight and my pants, Aiden grabbed the backpacks, and we slipped through the nearest door. The next room turned out to be nothing but a closet. We made to turn back, but the clomp of heavy boots at the other end of the room stopped us. I froze against the door frame, and Aiden kneeled down and eased the door closed until we could just see a sliver of the room.

It was pitch black in the closet when I turned the flashlight off, and I tried not to think about what variety of spiders or other things might be waiting there to bite me. Then Aiden grabbed my thigh, and I almost screamed. I opened my mouth to ask what the hell he was doing, then stopped myself as the beam of a heavy-duty flashlight cut through the room we’d been in. As I was watching it prod into the corners and inspect the broken glass and the mirror, Aiden put his face between my legs and his tongue on my clit.

I clapped a hand over my mouth and grabbed his hair with the other, trying to pull him away from me, but he wrapped his hands around my ass and pulled me with him.

“You – I – stop that –” I panted, trying to keep the words as quiet as possible. He continued licking like I hadn’t said anything. “You are. Going. To make me. Come.”

I took a deep breath and tried to ignore it, but his tongue was insistent, rubbing gently back and forth and building a fire I couldn’t put out. “Please –” I whispered, the word stop disappearing as I stopped breathing so I wouldn’t make any noise. The orgasm ripped through me and I convulsed, still holding my breath, both hands now over my mouth. Aiden held me upright with some help from the door jamb until I stopped moving, then stood up.

He licked his way up the side of my neck, bit my earlobe, and whispered, “Bend over.”

There was just enough room for me to turn around and do as he said. The footsteps outside were fading as my hands touched the floor, and my mind relaxed a little bit as he entered me from behind.

“Who’s my dirty little slut?” he whispered through the darkness, grabbing my hips tightly and pulling me onto him.

“Me. I’m your dirty slut, sir,” I whispered back. I heard his breath catch, felt his cock pulse and his hands grab my hips tighter as he came.

* * *

Sorting out pants and backpacks by the beam of the remaining flashlight, I stopped when I saw the ass of my jeans was covered in black marks.

“The hell?” I wondered out loud, holding them up so Aiden could see what I was puzzling over.

He grinned. “There are many uses for a good fire prop.”

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