Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So...the Stars are Aligned, or What?

I had agreed last night (well, mostly) to meet up with Aiden today between his jobs, but when this morning rolled around Kevin wouldn't leave the house. Technically he's supposed to be at work at nine, but he's usually there around nine-thirty and nobody cares. But this morning he didn't get there until eleven, because he was angry with his company because they haven't been sending him his expense checks on time. Well, I'd be upset too.

He did eventually go, and I gave him five minutes to get ahead of me and then found Aiden in a field-slash-hiking-area he'd showed me a couple of weeks ago. He said he wanted to talk somewhere more private, so he brought pizza and we sat in my car and ate, since it was raining.

He said his wife was going to leave him; he's said that before, so I asked what was different this time. It wasn't entirely clear, but it seemed that it wasn't clear to him either, and not that he was deliberately trying to keep anything from me. Apparently Lily has convinced her therapist that Aiden's emotionally abusive, so the therapist has been telling her to leave. She was going to wait until after their July Fourth party, but it slipped out last night at the marriage counseling. He doesn't know when she's planning to leave or any other details.

When I mentioned it to Wren, she said, "Yeah right. Don't you think it's just another one of her games?"

She could be right. Lily has a talent for making people believe whatever story she cares to concoct at the moment. Then again, she could be either listening to her therapist or manipulating her therapist into giving her advice she wants to hear.

And really, does it matter to me whether it's one or any of the above? It's Aiden and Lily's problem to work out, not mine. I have enough of my own right now, as was brought sharply to my attention last night when I went to bed with Kevin a little after one in the morning. I finally got up and went to sleep on the couch at two-thirty after melting down into a silent, sobbing panic attack while he snored.

He says I have depression. He's right, but we disagree about the cause, not that I've said anything. He thinks my depression is the reason I get bored in relationships after a year or so. I think I'm depressed because I am bored. He says I'm misinterpreting depression as "boredom" and I'm not really bored. I say the pull between the boredom and the attachment is what's causing the depression.

He, of course, wants me to go to the doctor and get medicated. I have no interest in antidepressants and think that sounds like a shitty idea. The battles continues.

Anyway, I got back from my short meeting with Aiden this afternoon, plopped down on the couch and started surfing the web. About an hour in, my phone rang, and I looked at the caller ID, wondering who would be calling me. Aiden was at work, Kevin was at work, Wren was at work, and my mother talked to me yesterday...it was Alejandra. I thought it would be longer before I heard from her, and I didn't think she'd call me.

Unsure what to say and knowing that bad cell reception and a sensitive conversation are a very bad combination, I let her leave a voicemail.

"Hi Skylar, it's Alejandra, I know you're probably still mad at me, I'm not really sure what happened, but I thought maybe we could talk it out, and depending on your summer plans [something unintelligible] and I hope you're out of school and classes and enjoying your summer and having fun. So if you could give me a call back that'd be awesome."

She's "not really sure" what happened? I thought I made it quite clear. Apparently not enough for her. I'm wondering if she's up here on vacation or something, or if today was a day to call for absolutely no reason.

Five minutes later...

It's one of those days. Wren just IM'd me to say, "You'll never guess who messaged ME!" I did, actually, on the fifth guess, and it was a guy from her past. Billy was her first love, and then a fuck toy eight years later, and now suddenly he says, "How are you?"

So. Anybody else gotten any weird calls lately?


  1. I said a hearty " good for you" when I read the "its Aiden and Lillys problem" Bravo. 1 life is hard enough to live without mixing it into 2 others. Especially when there is a already a growing dysfunctionality (real word? ah fuck it anyway. Works for me.)
    If you have the chance to grab your depression by the scrotal sack and twirl it above your head like an aboriginal hunting weapon before it takes up residence then for the love of all that sacred and good do it! Beat it with a stick before it settles in as a habit. Take the damn happy pills if that is what it takes. Just remember, it's claws are barbed. Once they are in it takes 3 times the work to get them back out.

  2. Skylar, I am happy that Alejandra reached out to you. Loosing a friend over what more than anything seemed like a misunderstanding is no good for anyone!

    We all need more good old friends!
