Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Night Walk, part 1 [fiction]

a story by Skylar

The darkened room became bright as electric day for a long moment, a suspended flash of lightning that told me the following thunder would be severe. I smiled, enjoying the image of Aiden's naked shoulder covered with a light sheen of sweat, burned into my retinas long after we were plunged back into darkness.

A crack echoed from the sky straight down through my bones, spilling apart and rolling through the air like an avalanche of giant boulders. The walls shook and the windows rattled.

I sat up in bed and turned to look outside, resting my chin on the windowsill to enjoy the view. Dust whipped up and blew down the sidewalk in miniature funnels, pulling grass clippings and trash along in the frenzy. A stray speck of sand, escaping the coming onslaught, flew in through the screen and stung my cheek. I brushed my face absently with the back of my hand, watching the light show in the sky put the weak glow of the streetlight to shame.

The bed shifted under me, and a moment later I felt Aiden's chin on my shoulder and his arm across my back. His skin was even hotter than the summer night.

"Hi Kitten," he whispered in my ear.

I opened my mouth to reply but was drowned out by the sudden smack of rain against the window. The drops hurled themselves through the screen and were shattered, splashing over my face and arms and creating puddles on the windowsill. A drop of sweat ran down my back.

"You're wet," Aiden said, running a finger down my spine. I shivered as his touch passed over my lower back and heat flared between my legs.

"Not wet enough," I answered, standing up on the bed. "Come on."

I leaped onto the floor and headed out of the room. I couldn't hear his footsteps, but I knew he was following me. Pulling open the back door, I stepped onto the porch and took a deep breath. The warm, soggy air smelled of freshly dampened pavement and rain; the mist splashing off the porch rails coated my thighs, and then my waist and my chest as I took another step forward. I walked down the steps and jumped into the empty street, splashing in the small rivers running down the hill. The downpour soaked my hair in seconds.

The screen door slammed and Aiden splashed down beside me. Admiring him in the dim glow of the street light on the corner, I realized neither of us had bothered to put on clothes before going out into the neighborhood. I grinned. The likelihood of anyone seeing us this deep in the night was so small, it didn't matter.

"Street swimming?" he asked, grinning back at me and raising his eyebrows.

"Hm," I said, pretending to consider it seriously. "It's a little...shallow, don't you think?"

"I think we can go plenty deep," he said, grabbing the back of my neck with one hand and kissing me hard. The rain sheeted down our faces as I wrapped my arms around him and returned the kiss. Our tongues played games, and the feel of his lips started to melt my insides. I ran my hands up his back and over his shoulders. He pressed himself closer to me, and his cock brushed my thighs as he started to get hard.

A sudden splash in the street grabbed my attention, and light washed over us as a car turned the corner.

"Shit!" I said, diving for the side of the road. I jumped over the neighbor's split-rail fence as the car got closer, and saw Aiden do the same out of the corner of my eye. We paused on the grass, waiting for the car to go by, but it pulled even with us and stopped, and a surprised face peered through the driver's window. Aiden and I looked at each other, laughed, and took off running.

We headed through the neighbor's yard, around the house, and over the fence on the other side into the street the car had come from. I crossed the road and cut through the corner of the mechanic's parking lot, Aiden following me now, and sprinted down a side street. Into and out of the yellow circle cast by another street lamp, I plunged into the dark. The scraps of light that usually shone down the street were masked by the rain, and I slowed to a jog.

Avoiding street lamps and some driveways that I knew had automatic floodlights brought us to a deserted back street that climbed a hill. The few driveways that led off it were too long for the houses to be visible. The only exception was the house on the corner, with a driveway that opened onto both streets, separating the house from a fenced-in section of yard. The area beyond the fence was dark, and a steady hum emanated from somewhere inside, barely audible over the splashing of the rain. It sounded familiar, and I had an idea.

"That sounds like fun," suggested Aiden, reading my mind.

"Gate?" I wondered out loud, feeling along the fence. I turned a corner and splashed up the driveway, running my hand along the boards as I went. Several yards on, part of the fence shifted under my touch, and a tell-tale rattle showed me the way. We stepped through the gate and I latched it behind us.

A dim light shone through some bushes, and I picked my way toward it, unsure what might be under my feet between here and there. The answer was alternately grass and some kind of concrete pavers. Aiden made his way ahead of me, more confident that he could handle whatever he might step on in the dark.

The pool showed over the tops of the knee-high bushes before we reached them. Aiden stepped over onto the surround, and a moment later I followed. The water was lit with a beautiful glow that would've disappeared in the dimmest dawn, but that was just shy of blinding in the pitch black of night. The water's surface was broken into a million tiny shards by the rain, and the blue speckled tiles below gave the whole thing an otherworldly sheen.

I wanted to jump in, but feared the splash would draw attention, so I sat on the edge and dipped my feet, then lowered myself down on my palms. The mud I had picked up in the yard swirled away from my feet like ink drops. I tried not to squeal as the cold edge of the water climbed my thighs, my stomach, and my chest. As I let go and sank all the way under, Aiden dove in beside me, somehow managing to get under the surface with barely a splash. The noise of the rain disappeared down here, erased by the steady roar of water pressing on my ears. Forcing my eyes open, I watched him sail through the water, weightless in a cloud of light, then turn sharply and come toward me.

I let out my breath and bobbed to the surface. I felt his hands brush my thighs, then his chest, and he slid himself up my body and popped out of the water. The world was one giant splash for a moment as my ears tuned in. I grabbed the lip of the pool behind me and pushed myself up on my palms. He grinned, shook his head like a dog, and put his hands on the pool deck on either side of my hips.

"I've never seen you so happy to be underwater," he said, pressing himself against me and pinning my hips to the wall with his.

"It's a great night to be wet," I said, returning his grin. I slid down, put my elbows on the rim, and wrapped my legs around his hips. Hooking my ankles together behind his ass, I held him tightly, pressing my lips against him. I felt his cock start to get hard again, and his eyes narrowed as his smile took on a twisted flavor. I shivered, wondering what terrible plan he was concocting for me.

He pushed off toward the center of the pool, and my elbows slipped off the ledge. I had just enough time to draw a quick breath before I sank. I'd never been good at floating, but upon realizing how fast I was sinking, I looked down and saw that Aiden had pushed himself under and was dragging me down with him. I unwrapped my legs and started to swim upward, but he grabbed my ankles and stopped me short, my hands reaching the air but my face still several inches from the surface.

He let go of one ankle and put his hand on my knee, then his other hand on my thigh, dragging me back down to the bottom. I stopped fighting and let myself sink, landing lightly on my knees. His smile was approving, and he put a hand on my chest and pushed me back against the wall, straddling my lap and kneeling on the floor so I couldn't get up.

I didn't like being that far under, and a feeling of panic welled up as I realized he had me trapped. I started to struggle, but he leaned forward and put his lips on mine, grabbing a handful of my hair and holding my head against the wall. Momentarily distracted, I kissed him back, my flailing hands slowing their chase and coming to a quiet inertia in the weightless void. I tasted chlorine and tried not to swallow it. Eventually my body demanded air, and I went to tap him on the shoulder, but he was already releasing me. We popped to the surface, gasping in the rain.

I hadn't taken more than a breath when he grabbed me by the throat and shoved me to the edge, pinning the back of my neck against the concrete rim. His fingers pressed insistently on either side of my throat, and I focused on his face as the rest of the world turned liquid and started to slide out of view. The sadistic gleam in his eyes told me I was in a world of trouble. There was no place I'd rather be, this beautiful fairyland, drenched by the pouring rain...completely owned, lost...

[to be continued]

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