Thursday, June 2, 2016

Among Other Reasons

A friend asked me recently what I like so much about Aiden, why it is that I say he's pretty perfect for me. The most important things that came to mind are...

He's eternally optimistic. Yes, I complain about this sometimes, but the downside of this double-edged sword is a small price to pay for the upside. I wish more people saw the silver linings in life.

He's cheerful. That sounds like optimistic, but they're not quite the same thing. I love someone who smiles all the time and is always ready with a joke and a laugh.

He's fearless. Not the redneck brand of "fearless" that aggressively tries to prove itself by doing immensely stupid things, but a simple kind that just doesn't waste time or effort on being afraid.

He doesn't complain. It doesn't matter whether he enjoys the task or not; he jumps in, gets it done, and doesn't whine.

He takes constructive criticism well. When told that something he did could have been done better, he doesn't let his ego start a fight about it. He takes the feedback and considers its merits.

He's always up for adventure. Whether it's a new food, a new sport, a new friend, or a new sexual game, he's always in with prejudice. And by prejudice, I mean excitement.

He has boundless energy. He's perfectly capable of sitting still if the situation requires it, but he will also jump up at a moment's notice to go on a run or do a task that needs doing. Even when he's tired, somehow his energy still feels bouncy.

He loves physical touch. This one shortens effectively to, "We speak the same love language."

We are wonderfully sexually compatible, both in our kink preferences and our physical bodies.

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