Saturday, September 26, 2015

Turning the Tables [reality]

Aiden read Scraps and commented to me that I would look good on a cross. I decided he'd missed the point, and that it was fine, because it would be better as a surprise anyway. I teased him with the knowledge that I was writing a story but wouldn't tell him what it was about. When given the choice to be told first or just have me pull a surprise on him, he voted for a surprise.

I hadn't decided when to brandish my new idea - I felt unprepared, but we had several hours to ourselves on Thursday night, and he was so excited about being surprised. He was clearly expecting me to bring the surprise home that night, and I realized that "now or never" would be the most likely outlook to get it done without my completely freaking out.

I came home full of grins and nervous energy, and while he was in the shower, I ran around the house retrieving things and hiding them around the bedroom for easy access. He came downstairs and made drinks, while I got stuck in my own head and couldn't decide how to begin. When he suggested dinner, I replied that dinner could wait, and he led me upstairs.

We reached the bedroom, and I had him sit on the bed and close his eyes. I grabbed the candles, stuck in cider bottles because I couldn't find the candle holders, from their hiding place in the closet, took off my pants and shirt, and put on a pair of heels. I dropped the shoe enough times to make both of us laugh at my clumsiness. Then I lit the candles, set them on the floor, and turned off the lights.

I realized when I tried to pick them up and they made loud clinking noises that handcuffs are not sneaky. Wrapping them carefully in a bandanna, I tried to sneak them over to the bed, but I'm not sure I succeeded.

Aiden was perfectly still and obedient, and I knew I'd given the game up at some earlier time. Acknowledging it would've broken my frame, though, so I just ignored it and continued with my plan. Soon he was handcuffed, blindfolded, and face-down on the bed while I drew patterns on his back with my fingernails, then followed with hot wax.

When I was sufficiently amused with that game, I walked him to the bookshelf and belted the cuffs to a shelf over his head. I'd been expecting some fighting or some backtalk, but he was so quiet and so well-behaved that I started wondering if something was wrong. We have an established safe-word system, though, so I put my faith in it and kept going.

I snuck the flogger out of its hiding place, stroked his back with it for a moment, then holstered it in my thong and took a knee by the bookshelf. After sucking him hard, I got up again and used the flogger for its intended purpose. The second strike wrapped, but I corrected and didn't wrap any more. I did put out one of the candles, and had to take a moment to relight it before returning to my knees and his cock again.

Maybe it was the excitement, or the nerves, or just practice, but I deep-throated him more thoroughly than I'd ever done before. When he turned and pushed his hips into me excitedly, I stood again and swung the flogger. I was getting a good pattern in spite of having placed myself under a lintel that caught the tails on every backswing. I didn't realize how loud it was until the kid asked what we were doing. I sent him to bed and put the flogger away, already looking forward to doing it better.

I unbelted Aiden from the bookshelf, sat him on the bed, and told him to remove my thong before shoving him flat on his back and having my way with him. My headspace was unfamiliar and my steps on the road to orgasm were wobbly, but I did get there. I couldn't tell whether Aiden had accompanied me or not, so I continued to ride him for a few minutes, and he kept reacting like he was on the verge of coming. Finally I pulled up the blindfold, and he gave me a big grin.

"How are you doing?" I asked. "Should I continue?"

His eyes closed as his grin got wider, and he said, "I think you blew my mind."

I laughed, more proud of myself than I wanted to admit.

He looks so god-damned good in cuffs and a blindfold.

Among other things I learned: why the dom doesn't blog.

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