Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TMI Tuesday

1. What do find is the most exciting part of a new sexual encounter?

Any first touch. The first time you hold hands, the first time you kiss, the first nibble...they are all dizzying.

2. Do you have "a most exciting part of a sexual encounter" with a usual partner?

It would have to be something that doesn't happen often. I would love him to be more rough with me.

3. How open and honest are you about your life with someone you just met?

Not enough to get me in trouble, but I'm not shy about saying things.

4. How open and honest are you about your life with someone you work with?

A particular someone? A little too much, but see my last post. Others I work with? Ehh, somewhat...some of the girls at the diner have noticed what's going on, and I'm not going to lie to them.

5. How open and honest are you about your life with a casual acquaintance who lives in your neighborhood (or the parent of your child's friend or...)?

If I see someone enough, I get close to them pretty fast, and like I said - I'm not secretive with strangers.

This is from TMI Tuesday #175.


  1. Good Answers - happy first TMI :)

  2. That is the best sensation...I love the smile when you just can't avoid it. I won't tell your wife if you don't tell my boyfriend ;)
