Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hello World (Please Start Here)

To those of you who may wander through my little corner of the ether world here...hello, and thank you for visiting. In case you care to find out who I am, I'll answer a few of the basics here. For the interesting things, you'll just have to follow my adventure as it unfolds.

My name is Skylar Blue. I live in the United States, on the east coast, far enough north that this time of year is excruciatingly cold, when you step outside in the morning and can't smell anything because your nose freezes instantly on contact with the air. I live with my boyfriend, work an hourly job, and take college classes...nothing really unusual about me there.

I try to keep drama and extreme stupidity out of my life, but just like anyone else, sometimes they find me anyway. This is one of those times, and I'm starting this blog without the knowledge of any of the people in my life, to document some of the less honest things I've gotten myself into. You could think of this like one person's extended PostSecret. Here is a place for me to tell my stories and introduce to those of you who appear here the hidden side of me...and for you to do the same. Always feel free to tell me your stories, anonymously if you like.

Honesty in secrecy. Here we go.

1 comment:

  1. It is quite liberating to be able to express ourselves and open up parts that have previously stayed hidden.

    You have captured my curiosity. I will be looking around for a bit..
