Thursday, October 15, 2015

Turning the Tables, part 2 [fiction]

"You left me such great things to play with," I said. Stepping in close, I let the velvety falls trail along his back, lightly, teasingly. I wondered if he could tell what was touching him. His back arched, seemingly trying to follow the leather as it left his skin. I prodded him with the end of the handle, sinking it firmly into the ropy muscle beside his spine until he straightened back up.

"But you're the best toy of all." I drew my arm back and let the flogger fly, and was pleased when it landed approximately where I had aimed. Aiden jumped, and I grinned.

Taking a step back to allow myself room, I swung again, then pulled into a backhand swing in the crosswise direction. The tails traveled in an arc behind my left shoulder and then my right as I settled into a figure-eight pattern. I focused on the X on his back, right shoulder to left hip and left shoulder to right hip, right to left, left to right, back and forth, top to bottom. My shoulder entered the swing and then my chest, and the skin of his back started to turn pink.

The room got dimmer, and I realized the air stream from the heavy falls had put out the candle behind me. I relit it from the one in my hand, set them both firmly in their holders, and moved them out of harm's way.

Keeping the tails in line with each other presented an interesting challenge, differing on the forehand and backhand strokes. They wanted to get away, to cause trouble I hadn't permitted. I focused hard and breathed slowly and deeply. They did what I wanted them to do, within reason.

Eventually my shoulder tired, and I switched sides, but realized once the handle was grasped in my off hand that I didn't trust myself to land on target. Making a mental note to practice that, I stroked the tails into a compliant river of red suede and wrapped them around his neck with my hands. I pulled him back against me, nuzzling my face into the top of his neck and taking his skin between my teeth. I bit down, gently at first and then harder, and was rewarded with a small squeak.

"You're being such a good boy," I told him. "Isn't it easier when you're not fighting me?"

He shook his head side to side.

"No? Well, that's all right." I sighed, feigning disappointment, wondering if he could hear my smile. "Nothing good comes easy." I released his neck from the tails and drew my free hand down his back. His skin glowed warmly under my fingertips. I caressed him softly for a moment, then dug my nails into him and raked a set of lines from shoulder to waistband. They flashed white, disappeared, and then reappeared in light red, accentuated nicely by his pink flush.

"You just need a little encouragement." I put the flogger on the floor and made both hands into claws, sinking into his skin on either side of his spine. Some of the purple wax trails caught under my nails and flaked off, fluttering to the floor at my feet. When my fingers reached his ass, they caught in the top of his shorts.

"Why didn't you take these off earlier?" I demanded, hooking a finger in the waistband and snapping the elastic against his side. He managed a shrug. "Because you were too busy fighting me," I answered, pulling them down to just under his cheeks and smacking first one and then the other with my open hand. I walked to the table, selected something that had apparently been borrowed from me without my permission, and walked back.

"Do you like these shorts?" I asked, and he nodded. "I hope you enjoyed them while you could," I said. "This is what happens when you're stubborn." I held out the waistband with one hand and sank my pocketknife into the knit fabric with the other. It took some work to get through the elastic and the seams, sawing carefully to avoid stabbing Aiden in the leg while I worked. When I had opened one leg, the shorts gave up and slid down his other leg, falling in a heap around his ankle.

I put a hand between his legs and stroked his balls. "Much better," I said. "Now I can get to all of you."

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