Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Random vs. Seldom

As good as the sex is with Aiden, sometimes I realize it's become a little normal and I'm itching for that extra something...the pain, the fear, the "unpleasant" things that make it so much sweeter. I was prodding him last night via instant message, and he told me, "Random reinforcement, doll."

"I have a hard time with random when it's also seldom," I replied. Not every sexual encounter has to be kinky. Vanilla is a flavor, after all; it isn't a blank sheet of paper. But when it becomes a little sprinkling of kink on a background of vanilla, I get twitchy.

One of the things I found most exciting when we got together was the taste of upcoming exploration. Sometimes it feels like he's forgotten about that. That's when I poke and prod and get annoying and bratty, and eventually escalate to spanking him just to get retribution. He's so hot when he gets that angry glint in his eye.

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